3/4/25 - New article time! I wrote about my latest convention trip with the gang, and you can check it out right here.
2/27/25 - My birthday went well! After dinner we all played Saturday Night Slam Masters and Super Bomberman 2-4 before ending the night on Crash Bash. That game is a mainstay of any party with my friends. I have plenty of ice cream left, so if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go make a Coke float. Yum!
2/26/25 - The logo ain't lyin', it's my birthday! In one short hour I'll be eating way too much at the Chinese buffet with my friends, then spending the rest of the night gaming at TruKuu's. Speaking of my friends, some of us went on a trip recently which I'm about done writing an article about. I wanted to get it online before dinner, but my internet has gone out. Oh, I forgot to say that I'm back at my house as of this past Saturday. The fire damage isn't repaired yet, but the power is mostly back on and I just HAD to reunite with my bed, my TV and of course, my Tango!
2/4/25 - There was a small electical fire from an outdoor outlet at the house yesterday morning. They were supposed to get the electricity turned back on today, but apparently they're not allowed to until the insurance adjusters come by, which could be up to 2 weeks. What a pain... I'm posting this update from my phone, which doesn't play too nicely with the neocities editor, so don't expect too many updates until I get my PC back.
1/26/25 - Got a new chapter of Kirby and Waddle Dee for ya! I'm planning something big for the next chapter, so hold on tight! I also took a look back at all of my previous review scores in this new article after a few people pointed out some glaring inconsistencies in a few of them. My upcoming reviews will be all the better for it!
1/12/25 - Yesterday, Iz and I got in one last snowball fight, and then we did something even better—we made a snowman! I know this probably isn't particularly noteworthy to those of you who live where snowfall is plentiful, but it's a rare treat where I live. The snow had already stopped when we made him, and he's already a good bit smaller with today having been sunny and temperatures being mostly above freezing. In any case, check out these pics I took of him! (Pic 1, pic 2) What a handsome lad. I hope we see some more snow before Winter comes to a close, but I won't be surprised if we don't. Oh well. There's always 2026!
1/11/25 - It did snow, but not as much as it did last year. What did come down probably won't survive this bright, sunny day. Oh well! I walked around in it and had a snowball fight, so I figure I got what I wanted.
1/8/25 - There's supposed to be a bunch of snow this coming Friday, just like last year. Bring it on! That was so fun! In site news, I'm about done with a new chapter of Kirby and Waddle Dee, so expect to see that soon.
1/5/25 - So, you may be wondering what's in store for The G-Zone in 2025. Well, lucky for you, I do have plans! Some of my favorite games turn 30 this year, and I plan to write about at least two of them. I also want to write more Kirby and Waddle Dee, especially since I've gotten a few requests to do so. I did kinda leave it on a cliffhanger, didn't I...
1/1/25 - Happy New Year, everyone! Let's hope it's a good one. 2024 was an interesting year for me, with awesome highs and crushing lows. Lets hope for more of the former in 2025!
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