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The Adventures of Kirby and Waddle Dee

Chapter 4

The King and I

Come on now, Waddle Dee. You know I'm the only man you'll ever need.

No! You're no good! You're a horrible person!

I'm so confused... Did you really date DeDeDe?

That's KING DeDeDe, boy, and don't you forget it!!

Yeah, I did...

Quit with the past-tense, baby. You're still all mine!

You're like, a textbook abuser! Nobody in their right mind would stay with you!


I see what's goin' on here. You and Pinky got a li'l thing goin' on, is that it?

Huh?? Of course n—

That's right! I've moved on to pinker pastures, and Kirby is so much better than you in every way! (Kirby, please, PLEASE play along, here...)


Th... that's right, DeDeDork, I'm soooo much better than you! I'm like, the ultimate boyfriend! So you should, like, leave Waddle Dee alone forever!

Oh yeah, Fruit Cup? Why don't we take this outside, then? See who's really the better man?

(DeDeDe is willing to fight over me...?)

(I have to fight on an empty stomach...?)

(Do I get any lines on this page...?)

Look, I don't really wanna fight you right now, DeDeDe.

Really, now? I guess you just don't care about your boyfriend that much, huh?

He's not—I mean, I don't need to grind your sorry butt into a fine paste to prove my love!

Yeah! Not that you'd know how to express your feelings without violence, DeDeDe!


That's it, I'm smashin' both of you!



He smashed the table!!


He flattened the chairs!


Bleh. (Ow.)

Stand still, you two! Quit delayin' the inevitable!

I've had enough of you!

The feeling's mutual!

Missed me!


I'll be taking that!



Not so tough without it, are ya?!

...No, I think I'll be just fine... in fact, Kirby just gave me an idea!




Ptoo! Here, have your stupid hammer back!



Are you okay, Waddle Dee?!

Yeah... I'm okay...

DeDeDe! There's more where that came from if you don't get far away from here right now!



...And stay out! Jerk!

I'm glad that's over with.

For now, at least...

Bleh. (I would have dealt with him myself, but you two looked like you were having fun.)

I have one question, Waddle Dee...

I really don't want to talk about DeDeDe right now, if that's okay...

No, no, it's much more pressing than that...

Where the heck is our food?! It's been like ten minutes!!

Some things never change...!

To be continued...

Published 5/13/2024

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