
by G-Zone and Rachel

day 331: ive invented the banana. it is large and red and screams at me at night

day 332: the banana is aggresive

day 333: the banana has resorted to telling me im fat :(

day 334: the banana has grown to the size of a small village

day 335: the banana has size 15 feet ??????

day 336: i am in love with the banana

day 337: me and the banana have made love

day 489: where am i????

day 490: i can't smell. its dark. what happened?

day 491: i have gained the ability to read the thoughts of whatever i lick

day 500: the banana is nowhere to be seen. is this what loneliness is like?

day 501: i can feel something enormous up my butt

day 502: it's growing

day 503: help

day 504: mom? what are you doing here?

day 505: i am about to explode

day 506: i am starting to sus the banana is behind this

day 507: oh god oh fuck the banana is IN my behind!!!!!!

day 510: ....

day 520: i managed to expell the banana from my butt�

day 521: i can see the light

day 522: my mom is shining a flashlight in my eyes ow stop ouch

day 523: MOM!

day 524: my mom has become a goblin and is hopping around all over the place

day 525: she is once a shell of who she originally was

day 526: i have grown elf ears and a tail

day 530: the flashbacks are becoming more and more often

day 71519: my wife

day 80948785: my son resembles the banana

day 9485924859402: my peepee hord

day 0: my peepee was too hard it reset time

day 1: ive invented the caveman

day 2: the caveman has invented fire

day 3: i have been set on fire by a caveman

day 4: i am growing hair in strange new places

day 5: i feel............ different

day 6: i think i am a woman now