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Wondering what G-Zone has been up to? Read on...

7/22/21 - The blog is now on the home page. What are you doing here?

12/13/22 - Well, hello! Poking around the site, eh? This page is a leftover from the very first version of The G-Zone, which was hosted on geocities.ws. It's still up at the time of writing, but don't go picking through it looking for something "too hot for Neocities", since I pretty much just directly ported everything over. The question is, why am I updating this totally obsolete page? I mean, the image at the top isn't even on the site anymore! I erased the word "blog" and reused it for the Archive page. Well, the answer is, I don't know! I've been doing a sitewide cleanup over the past few days, which would normally entail deleting a page like this one, but maybe I'll just... not delete it. Maybe I'll put my secrets here! Or maybe I'll just dump random thoughts here instead. Only time will tell...

2/6/23 - It's currently 7:12am as I write this, barely missing out on a good chance for a 7-Eleven sponsorship. I just did a big site update with most of the changes being under the hood. Added directories, organized my images, cleaned up my coding, etc. Finally changed the page layouts from the initial table layout I was using at first, which I took from some old Geocities pages. I mean, it's an easy way to get a layout with clean sidebars, so I see why they used it. Now I'll be able to make graphs in pages, which I couldn't do before since every page was entirely a graph already. I think I'll finally be able to make my figure gallery... well, at least with what's currently on hand, which is maybe a third of what I had with me when I first had the idea to make a figure gallery. Okay, I need to come clean. The figure gallery is already on the site. Well... sort of. I made a placeholder for it, which looks nothing like how I currently want to do it, but if you want a laugh, check it out here. Well... I guess that's it for my secret blog. Today is my day off and I haven't slept yet, so once I crash in a short while, I expect to sleep until dinner. I'm gonna make Japanese style curry rice and panko fried pork chops. Mmmmm... Oh yeah, and one last thing, the Archive logo I mentioned in my previous post here is now the Articles logo. I renamed it to better fit anything written that's not a review or a guide. So it was Blog, then Archive, and now it's Articles. I wonder if it will change again, or if it's hit the end of its 3 stage evolution chain?