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The Adventures of Kirby and Waddle Dee

Chapter 6

The Kitchen Caper

Yaaawn... Good morning, world! If ever there was a time when a boy needed some food, that time is now, and that boy is me.

(He opens the fridge...)



Where did all my food go?! How could this happen?! I must be dead!! This is hell!! Yeeeaaaaaarrgh!!!!!!

Bleh? (What's with all the shouting?)

YOU!! YOU ate all my food, didn't you?!

Bleh. (I don't appreciate the accusation.)


Bleh! (Agh!)

Open your mouth!

Blehhh... (Ahhh...)

Sniff, sniff... Hm... Doesn't smell like my food... Wait, have you been eating cat food?

Bleh. (Meow.)

Well if you didn't empty my fridge, then who did?

Hey Kirbs!




I JUST got here. You saw me walk through the door.


Calm down! You were probaby just sleep eating again!

Not this time. I'd be able to tell. There are no crumbs or empty pickle jars anywhere...

I bet there's a clue around here somewhere. No such thing as a perfect crime, after all.

I can't eat a clue! I NEED MY FOOD!!

Just relax for a second! We'll find it!

(Rabid snarling sounds)

BREATHE, Kirby! Deep breaths! In through the nose, out through the mouth...

Haaa... Okay. I'm normal.

Good. Now let's find your food.


Oh boy.

I'm here, I'm here!


...Oh. I guess I missed the pantry raid. Man... DeDeDe's gonna clobber me...

DeDeDe, you say?

I didn't say anything.

But you just said—

Oh, I'm getting a phone call. Hello?

You aren't holding a phone...

My mother?! In the hospital?!

Sorry guys, it's been real, but I gotta jet!

...Well, that sounded like a pretty good lead.

I hope that guy's mom is okay.

Surely you realize—

Enough about Waddle Doo's mama! Let's beat feet to Castle DeDeDe!

...Yeah... to DeDeDe's place...

To be continued...

Published 7/23/2024

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